Actor Morgan Freeman has a new hobby: raising bees. Besides raising bees, Freeman also like to make a bet in sbobet mobile to win some prize from poker online gambling. He brought 26 bee cages from Arkansas to his 51-hectare area in Mississippi in 2014. As he revealed to Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show, Freeman was worried that the bee colony was reduced due to the vegetation that was the source of its feed also disappeared.

The journal Science says that bees have declined in the past 50 years in Europe and North America due to the use of massive pesticides and the conversion of forests into modern agricultural land. The American government has banned the use of pesticides used by farmers to kill plant pests because it has a direct impact on the death of bee colonies.


Freeman also wants the bees to return to the earth’s habitat by providing various types of flowers in the design. According to the cast of God in Bruce Almighty’s film, as explained in the journal Science, the presence of bees shows the sustainability of an area. Because bees only eat flowers and fruit from a clean environment. “I just found out that they are the foundation of this planet,” said the 81-year-old actor.

Freeman has never harvested honey or his hive. He just wants the bees to have a new place to live and then breed and form a new colony. Because, according to the latest information, 87% of insects — such as bees — pollinate/fertilize flowering plants. Without insects, plants cannot multiply.

They divide and reprocess food needed by plants for photosynthesis. They decompose organic waste, which is a source of food for birds and bats. Because of that, Wilson, an expert from the United States, called insects as the “heart of life on Earth.”


In Indonesia, bees have long been cultivated by people throughout the archipelago. One of them is on the island of Sumbawa Besar, West Nusa Tenggara – an island that is synonymous with bees and honey. Residents of Bukit Damai Village in Sekongkang Subdistrict are cultivating Klanceng bees (Trigona sp) in lush gardens. Bees like to live in damp ecosystems and not too much sun because flowers grow in such an environment.

Trigona sp is a bee the size of a fly that cannot sting. For bees, stings are weapons to protect themselves from danger or predatory animals who want to prey on them. So, because they don’t have the sting, Trigona bees build more propolis or cages than produce honey.

With strong propolis, the bee colony takes shelter in it so that Trigona bee propolis becomes the strongest natural antioxidant compared to natural beehives. The experts even calculated the antioxidant power of Trigona propolis 400 times compared to oranges and 300 times compared to red apples.


Farmers in Bukit Damai Village dry the honeycomb taken from the setup after moving the colony to a new cage. The dry nest is made in a one-kilogram box to be sent to Bogor, which is processed into liquid propolis. One kilogram of dried propolis into 100 bottles of propolis measuring 10 milliliters is sold for 12USD.

One Trigona honeycomb setup produces 3 kilograms of propolis per harvest or within three months. This amount represents 80 percent of the proportion of beehives compared to the amount of honey. Trigona bees produce more royal jelly than natural bees, so Trigona bee honey is more acidic. A 100-milliliter bottle of Trigona bee honey is sold for 15USD.

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